Many of us were not driving during the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting quarantine. With a substantial decrease in driving, there were less catastrophic vehicle accidents to claim auto insurance money. This left a large sum of auto insurance money, paid for by Michigan drivers, unclaimed and unused. Last year, Governor Whitmer issued 2019 auto insurance reforms that would allow unclaimed insurance money to go back into the pockets of drivers in Michigan.
Michigan Auto Insurance Refund Deadline
Any Michigan citizen that owned an insured automobile, recreational vehicle (RV), or motorcycle covered through October 2021 can receive a $400 per vehicle refund from their insurance company. Refunds from auto insurance companies started being sent out in March 2022 and continue to do so. However, the deadline for the money to be returned is fast approaching.
The deadline for all refunds to be received is May 9, 2022. While many people have already received the returned money through checks or direct deposit into their banking accounts, some are still waiting to receive their financial compensation. The refunds are processed automatically and are sent out without clients having to request a refund or contact anyone. However, if you are approaching the May 9th deadline and have not received your $400 refund back yet, you should contact an agent at your insurance company as soon as possible. Your refund may be being processed or may be delayed for some other reason that requires correction.
The agents at GBK Insurance have been helping clients for decades with all of their insurance needs. Whether you need insurance coverage for your auto vehicle or for your home, we have you covered! For more information about the Michigan auto insurance refunds, contact GBK Insurance today! And if you would like to look at new auto insurance coverage, get a free auto quote from us today